Thursday, October 11, 2012

I have made two scarves with Red Heart Boutique Sashay yarn.  I had all kinds of problems and finally got to where I could work with the yarn.
 Several months ago, I found some Loops and Thread Fabulous Yarn in Christmas colors. There was a really nice scarf I liked near the yarn.  So I purchases 2 skeins.  
Since then, I have struggled trying recreating the scarf since I could not locate the pattern.  
Well yesterday I was reading through my e-mail.  I was reading about problems that crocheters were having with Sashay yarn.   One of the responses said just use a large hook and crochet with the yarn as it comes off the ball.  Do not worry about finding the track at the top of the yarn.   I thought I can do this with the Fabulous yarn.
So I got out my "P" hook (11.5 mm) hook and did just that.  WHAT DO YOU KNOW!  I came up with the exact same scarf that I had seen in the store. 
I wish I could have found this out earlier.  Note to Michael's Stores.  If you are going to display a hand craft yarn item, please have a copy of a pattern available.  
My pics are below.  


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Neat! I'll check back again on your great work!

  2. I don' t blog very often as you can see
